Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolution

I've spent a lot of time over the past few days thinking about New Years Resolutions.  One of the best resolutions I ever made was in the early 2000s.  I decided that I would save 10% of every paycheck. I set up an auto-withdrawal into an ING savings account.  Because of that account (along with Chris' savings), we were able to completely pay off our wedding and honeymoon upfront, as well as make the down payment on our house! Also, now that I'm in school, I have a little cushion of money for necessities.  As my paychecks increased, I increased the auto withdrawal, and I think I even got up to saving a little over 20% of each check.  As soon as I'm back in the working world, this resolution will be back.
*If you don't currently do this, try it! You accumulate this tidy sum of money that can really come in handy.

So anyway, I've been thinking about New Years Resolutions a lot.  I have considered a lot of things, but don't want to have a list of failed attempts.  After watching the movie Forks Over Knives, I considered trying my hand at becoming vegan. The health benefits discussed in the film and in it's somewhat companion book, Engine 2 Diet are incredible. While I think I could do it, I love cheese and ice cream too much, and I think I'd really miss them. And I think they're fine in small amounts!

Without further ado, I've decided that my New Years Resolution is to be more conscious.

The definition of conscious: 
1. aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.
2. fully aware of or sensitive to something (often followed by of ): conscious of one's own faults; He wasn't conscious of the gossip about his past.
3. having the mental faculties fully active: He was conscious during the operation.
4. known to oneself; felt: conscious guilt.
5. aware of what one is doing: a conscious liar.

More conscious of what I say to people, more conscious of what I eat, more conscious of all of the decisions I make, to ensure they're truly in the direction that I want my life to go.  From not procrastinating with school-related "stuff," to biting my tongue when it comes to making unnecessary criticism and judgments of people and things, to ensuring that I'm simply living with the best goals in mind.

So, let's see how this goes!  Happy New Year everyone!!

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