Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The JAB.

At the risk of coming off as a wacky, crazy "Cat Lady," I must introduce you to Punjab, our awesome cat.

Punjab was adopted at the tiny age of 7 weeks.  He was the shyest member of his litter and took a can of tuna to coax him out of his enclosure.  My mom's local stray cat was his mom, and Mom wanted to make sure that each cat was spayed/neutered, and went to a good home. Then her goal was to have Mommy-cat spayed. (Accomplished, phew!)

Punjab flew from Minnesota to Massachusetts over Mother's Day weekend in 2006. Chris and I had only been dating for 4 months, and somehow he agreed to keep Punjab at his apartment, as my roommate was allergic to cats.  He litter box trained easily, and quickly became an irreplaceable member of what would be our family.

Top 10 Reasons that Punjab is the Coolest Cat Ever...

10. He has a 5' vertical jump.

9. He loves to play.  His favorite toys are Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks straws - the big ones.  When he sees Chris come home with an iced tea or coffee, he'll stalk him until the straw is his. (The downside of this obsession is that we often have straws strewn all around the house.)

8. He loves almost everyone, and insists on them loving him back. Even those who can't stand cats, love this guy. He doesn't have any of those sneaky, unpredictable tendencies that many cats have.

7. He loves ice cream and cheese... just like me!  Chris has taught him what string cheese is, so now when you're eating a cheese stick, he'll follow you around until you give him some! (Ok, this could be seen as annoying, but I think it's more funny than annoying.)

6. He comes to you when you call for him. Few people actually say his name correctly. (Say it with me: Poon-Jab)

5. He has never wrecked anything (on purpose).  Occasionally, a claw will get stuck in the rug, sweater, etc., but Punjab has never scratched any of our furniture.  He scratches his post and we have a straw rug that he loves!

4. He'll contort his body to achieve maximum sun exposure.  His favorite sunny spot is between my pillow and the window on our bed.  In the morning, the sun streams straight through this window, so he lays the width of the window, soaking up the rays while keeping tabs on any birds outside.

3. He makes funny noises, as though to announce his arrival.  Something between a typical meow sound and the rolling of a French "R."

2. He has conversations with you! You can talk to him and he'll meow back!  His least favorite word is NO.  Said sternly, he'll immediately stop what he's doing and look at you with a guilty face.  Sometimes he'll even meow back, as though he's arguing with you!

1. Just look at him!! How can you not love him??

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