Monday, August 6, 2012

First stops: Niagara and Chicago

Time flies when you're having fun - and you don't have time to blog!

I left Boston around 10 AM on Saturday morning and drove to Batavia, NY.  Though there was a little bit of traffic here and there, the ride went smoothly... there was a small incident with the State Police before I even got out of the city (a left turn where I shouldn't have - oops!) but it only resulted in a warning, phew!  I found a local little bar that was supposed to have live music on Saturday nights to have dinner, but apparently the piano player was sick, so the bar was pretty quiet.  I had dinner and hung out with some locals, but didn't stay out long, as I knew I had a big drive ahead of me the next day.

In the morning, I woke up and drove to the Canadian side of the border to see Niagara Falls, because Chris said it was so much better on that side.  Passing through both sets of border patrol, I had a hilarious conversation that went something like this...

Patrol: Good morning, where you headed?
Me: To see the Falls // to Chicago.
Patrol: Where are you from?
Me: I give my full address (for safety, don't want to post here!)
Patrol: When are you headed home?
Me: All the way home?
Patrol: Yes, all the way home.
Me: Um... I'm thinking I'll get home on the 23rd.
Patrol: You know it's only August 5, right?
Me: Yes. I'm driving cross country.
Patrol: What's the furthest west you're traveling?
Me: Alameda, California.
Patrol: Ok. What's the purpose of your trip?
Me: (coming down with a case of verbal diarrhea): So I'm in nursing school, and I have the month of August off, and my husband has to work, so I didn't want to be bored. I have tons of friends all over the place who keep asking me to visit, so I'm going to Chicago, Minneapolis, Salt Lake City, Alameda, then San Diego, Phoenix, New Mexico and Arkansas.
Patrol: Do you have any alcohol or weapons?
Me: No sir, just some Triscuits. (I really wanted to tell him that I had found these amazing dill flavored Triscuits, but I restrained myself!!)
Patrol: Have a nice day, m'am.
Me: Thanks! You too!

So I snapped a few photos of Niagara Falls and went on my way.  Here are a few photos...

I quickly realized that my GPS was trying to send me through Canada to Chicago, which was approximately the same time and distance, but I had no cell phone service (without paying an arm and a leg) in Canada, so I had to fight with my GPS to get me back on 90.

My drive to Chicago was completely on I-90 (with a few little connections). There was a TON of traffic and hundreds of what I call motor homes (Winnebagos? Travel trailers? whatever you want to call them!) The ride was pretty easy and not too scenic. There were places here and there that were pretty, but overall not terribly exciting.  I passed the time listening to the book Townie on audio.  It was about a guy who grew up in the Merrimack River area, which is somewhat near where we live. I always like reading books or watching movies about places that I'm familiar.  I admit, I didn't know a lot of the places that he talked about, just mainly the towns.

I stayed with my 'cousin' Marty in Chicago.  He lives in a beautiful condo right in the city. We took a walk down to Lake Michigan which was packed with people doing all sorts of stuff. I loved that the lake had a swim "course" that was 1/2 mile long along one edge of it! How awesome is that?! We then went out for pizza, and while they accidentally brought us a thin crust pizza instead of the Chicago style that we ordered, I think my waistline was happier with a little less bulk!

Monday morning... to Minneapolis!!

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